The travel guarantee fund

The travel guarantee scheme means that you are guaranteed your money back if the package holiday (a guaranteed trip) is canceled as a result of bankruptcy.

The scheme does not apply if you have only bought a scheduled flight ticket or if you have bought parts of the journey from different suppliers. You must have purchased at least two of three package travel elements (transport, accommodation, essential tourist service) from the same organizer for money to be paid out. In addition, you must make sure that the organizer has provided a guarantee.

We recommend that you pay by credit card as long as you are not covered under the travel guarantee scheme, then you can claim the money back from the card issuer if the person you bought the service from goes bankrupt.

If the trip is canceled as a result of bankruptcy and you must claim your money back from the Travel Guarantee Fund, click here

Always check before you buy a package tour whether the organizer of the trip has provided a travel guarantee. Here you can read who has issued a travel guarantee in Norway. Remember, the fund only pays out when the organizer has provided a guarantee.

All organizers of package tours are obliged to state when advertising package tours that they have provided a travel guarantee, either by means of the Travel Guarantee Fund's logo or in plain text.

Payment under the travel guarantee only takes place when the trip is canceled as a result of the bankruptcy of the organizer or intermediary who has provided the guarantee.

Have you purchased a guaranteed trip, normally consisting of:

1. Charter travel (also when purchasing an airplane seat only)

2. An arranged package, consisting of, for example, flights and hotels advertised online or in the newspaper

3. Flights and hotels where you ask the agency/website to book a specific hotel and flight (not arranged)

If you are in doubt as to whether you have bought a trip subject to a guarantee or whether the organizer has provided a guarantee - get in touch The travel guarantee fund.
